6 Different Types of Cataracts

6 Different Types of Cataracts

A cataract is an opacity or haze in the crystalline lens within the eye. When a cataract forms, the cataract may reduce vision or create glare and halos. There are multiple types of cataracts that differ in the location within the lens and the appearance of the...

What Tests Can be Used to Diagnose Dry Eyes? 

What Tests Can be Used to Diagnose Dry Eyes? 

Having dry eyes can cause many symptoms of irritation and dryness but there are many tests that can be performed to provide a quantitative measure of the dryness. These special tests allow an eye doctor to make an objective decision about how to treat and manage the...

What is the Air Puff Test and Why is it Important?

What is the Air Puff Test and Why is it Important?

If you have ever been to the eye doctor, you have likely experienced the “air puff” eye test. This test is a way to check the pressure in the eyes. The eye pressure is a key measurement for glaucoma which is a serious eye disease. While the air puff may be annoying or...

What Happens if You Get Metal in Your Eye?

What Happens if You Get Metal in Your Eye?

One of the most painful eye conditions is getting a small piece of metal lodged in the front of the eye. This can occur from many different working tasks and will cause intense pain, redness, and other symptoms. Fortunately, the treatment for metal in the eye is a...

What Causes Flashes of Light in Your Vision?

What Causes Flashes of Light in Your Vision?

Seeing a flash of light in your vision is often associated with conditions that affect the back of the eye called the retina. A flash of light may be a symptom of a serious eye condition and should always be reason to seek eye care quickly.   Defining What a...

What Determines Your Eye Color?

What Determines Your Eye Color?

Eye color is determined by genetics and the prescence of a pigment called melanin in the iris. The iris is the portion of the eye which is colored and is surround by the white of the eye (sclera) and the iris has a black hole passing through it (the pupil).  ...

What is Strabismus or an Eye Turn?

What is Strabismus or an Eye Turn?

A strabismus is an eye condition in which the two eyes are not properly aligned. This causes one eye to be able to focus directly on an object while the other eye is not properly looking at the same object.   Types of Strabismus There are two main categories of...

What is a Chalazion or Bump on the Eyelid?

What is a Chalazion or Bump on the Eyelid?

If there is a fairly large bump on your eyelid it may be a chalazion or stye. This is a benign condition that occurs when an oil gland on the eyelid becomes clogged and inflamed.   Oil Glands on the Eyelid The eyelids have several types of glands including two...

What is Iritis and How is it Treated?

What is Iritis and How is it Treated?

A potential cause of a red and painful eye is iritis, or inflammation of the iris. This condition may be recurrent and cause many symptoms like light sensitivity, eye pain, and eye irritation.   About the Iris The iris is the colored portion of the eye that is...